
See us.

We stand behind our products. 

Years of passion, dedication, hard work, research, all-nighters-to-get-it-done, more than our life savings, all wrapped up into a




This is our art.

We cannot distill into words our passion for farming. It is so clearly what we are created to do. It is more than a career or a livelihood for each of us. It is like a child. It has a life of its own, one that demands more than we can give. So often we fail, yet the farm's resilience's shines through.

And it gives! It give us life. The joy of crop. The bounty of eggs. The delight of hen dust bathing in the sun. The simplicity of miracles we witness daily. 

Here is where we organize our art. Where you can order the best of the season, the most delicious eggs, and many other incredible products.  

Check out our Product List page to see what is available. Check back regularly as our products shift with the seasons.