
Lockwood's Tote Bag

Lockwood's Tote Bag
Lockwood's Tote Bag
Fair-Trade, Organic & Fun!
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We are SO excited about our new totes. One side has the EcoEgg Logo and the other is what you see in this photo. This is so much more than just a tote bag. It represents what we believe in, what we are working for as well as our humor :). This is a product that goes far beyond supporting your local agriculture, and we are very proud to show them off.

More about Kindred Apparel Inc. & JOYYA Canada: High quality, on-trend, fair trade & organic merchandise with heart. Be part of the freedom story for over +175 staff moving beyond extreme poverty in Kolkata, India. Our main manufacturing partner JOYYA is a WFTO guaranteed fair trade operation that offers empowerment strategies for women trapped in human trafficking.

We can not wait to see them floating around the island! Pre-Order now or come and visit us at the farm on Thursday between 4-6pm.
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